Accepting Gay Marriage: Or, How I Learned to Mind My Own Damn Business…

There was a story (This one is from The Washington Post) in the news, been in the news for the last couple months, about Elane Photography, Vanessa Willock, and her partner. Willock and partner wanted Elane Photography (a self-proclaimed Christian photographer) to cover their commitment ceremony, but Elane responded by claiming to only cover “traditional weddings.” Well, according to a George Will article in The Orange County Register, Willock’s partner wrote Elane Photography, not mentioning her partner but stating there would be a commitment ceremony. Elane Photography said they would do the photography. Willock’s partner never responded. Now, the owners of Elane Photography, according to Will, just want to be “let alone.”

I’m all for standing up for your beliefs and wanting to be able to live a life that fits comfortably within your own world view. Everyone–and I mean EVERYONE–is entitled to that life. But you can’t be a hypocrite and get that same amount of respect. Elane Photography comes off, to me anyway, as hypocritical. Willock was forthright with Elane Photography, explaining her situation and their desire to work with that photography company. Did Elane Photography have the right to refuse? Certainly, no argument there. You want to be restrictive and judgmental, fine. It must be a lonely life you lead, and I’m sorry. But to then accept the bid from Willock’s partner–even though she never mentioned her partner–and expect that same kind of respect? No, Ma’am. That doesn’t fly with me.

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